Joined Script Names
Regular price $27.50This item will be glittered on all sides.
Script MT Bold.
The 1st Letter capital will be 6"' tall capital & the rest shorter in proportion.
Names with lower case letters below the line like f, g, j, p, q, y, will be the 1st letter to touch your board & the name will be higher.
Email awesomedpf@aol.com or call if you want the first letter larger.
Great for candle lighting boards or displaying names or words.
If you have any questions about a product your order or have questions about our product, fill out the details below or email: dpfgood@gmail.com
If you are in Canada or anywhere else besides the Contiguous United States. Please contact us for the shipping rates.
Letters & Names - Bookman Style
Regular price $3.50Individual Letters in Bookman script font.
First letter upper case in selected size. Rest of letters sized proportionally in lower case letter
Add a base for $5.00 to stand attach the letters. Letters can be attached using a toothpick.
If you have any questions about a product your order or have questions about our product, fill out the details below or email: dpfgood@gmail.com
If you are in Canada or anywhere else besides the Contiguous United States. Please contact us for the shipping rates.
Block Upper Case Letters & Numbers Glittered
Regular price $3.50Block Font Letters All Capitals Glittered On All Sides
For sizing purposes, estimate letters that are 6" tall as 6" wide.
For a 36" long Candle Lighting Name Board we recommend 5" or 6" tall letters for names having 6-7 letters,
We are not responsible if letters ordered are too large for the space they are being used.
Email dpfgood@gmail.com or call us with questions.
If you have any questions about a product your order or have questions about our product, fill out the details below or email: dpfgood@gmail.com
If you are in Canada or anywhere else besides the Contiguous United States. Please contact us for the shipping rates.
Glittered Letters and Names
Regular price $5.00Select choice of glitter color.
Letters are covered with glitter on all sides.
For sizing purposes estimate the letter width the same as the letter's height. Generally, a 36" candle lighting board will fit 6 or 7 letters that are 5" or 6" tall. If you are unsure, you can contact us at dpfgood@gmail.com
To attach letters to a foam board, insert and glue toothpick to bottom of letter - then insert into base. Letters that drop below the line such as, f, g, j, p, q, y and y will need extra adjustments. A bamboo skewer can be used for letters being inserted into a centerpiece.
If you have any questions about a product your order or have questions about our product, fill out the details below or email: dpfgood@gmail.com
If you are in Canada or anywhere else besides the Contiguous United States. Please contact us for the shipping rates.